Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Das klub and a little bit morepre break!

Alright to this saturday was the day we have all been waiting for, we party mostly every weekend and have a themed dance party things like 90's where we listened to backstreet boys, spice girls and other things we heard growing up... but this weekend we had DAS KLUB!!!!

it started with a costume contest(by cabana), and moved on to a party on the beach fallowed by the long awaited DANCE PARTY!!!! Das Klub was described to us as euro trash so my Cabana decided we would do just that dress as trash and we creatively wore trash bags! The theme song for the night was called "Sex, drugs, & house" because it's very Das Klubish song. So our Cabana wore bands that said SEX DRUGS & HOUSE... I was house. our Cabana won the "trashtastic" award because we took it so literal. (we had More dress up with us because her cabana chose not to partake in dressing up, they did other important things like music and photos)

the costume contest was judged by out Student Affairs managers and out Interns who also got into it and dressed in all black. IT was awesome!!

while we were out on the beach partying and playing what they call Beirut? i don't really know how to spell it but about five Mexicans showed up and partied with us then five more and more and more and they kept showing up. it became ummm well they were in the girls' personal bubbles and we had to have our guys save us and we eventually just went back in the school to avoid them.... but thats not so bad because we proceeded to have the DANCE PARTY!!!!!!!!

okay so warning the pictures are Das klub, party, themed party, so they are weird! i have a few other pictures befor the das klub pictures tho

My new dress that my host mommy made!

Out for the evening!

awesome little kid and a puppy!

The judges for das klub

My classmates!!

My cabana (+more)

Some mexican who decided to try and dress up??

Me and Wiley... no we're not supposed to match

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