Saturday, September 27, 2008

News from the field

we have a website for us writting some stuff saying what we do

that gets updated every two weeks or something like that

these past few days since we got home from camping was a lot of unpacking and cleaning dishes and all of that great stuff!!!

We went into town last night and had a blast!! i can't get those picture off of my camera though cause i forgot the USB thing at home :'(

but yeah so we have been hanging out watching movie haning out on the dunes siting in hammocks!!!

we chose our DR(Directed research) yesterday and I got the one I wanted ULVA WITH HECTOR!!!! woot it's water quality stuff so it'll be awesome!

well I'm off to take a nap and then dinner and I'm on dish duty WOOT

On our way to a city...yeah this is class!

Inspecting the area... aka time to play after class

Old whale bones

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